
Reach goals 10x faster

Feel superhuman as you demolish previous challenges

Hero Graphic: Screenshots from Endevyr app on grey blob backdrop Hero Graphic: Screenshots from Endevyr app on grey blob backdrop

Memory is the limitation

The memory problem

Our brain solves problems by breaking them down into smaller and smaller parts until we figure out what to do.

The problem is complex goals have many parts, which results in us spending most of our brain power remembering them and only a tiny fraction on finding a solution.

This leads to feeling lost, putting in effort but not getting results, or taking years to find solutions that seem obvious looking back.

How Endevyr helps

It stores the goal's pieces in a way that makes sense for problem solving, which frees up brain power to focus on finding a solution rather than remembering.

The difference is quickly felt as your brain comes up with clever solutions that previously would've been out of reach, making past struggles feel comically simple.

Achieve goals at record speed


No more stress of not knowing what to do next


Never get less results than the effort put in


Never lose new habits